Monday, August 4, 2008

Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge

Here are a few photos from our trip to Oaks Bottom. We went out on Sunday around noonish and stayed for about 3 and a half hours. We didn't know how much we would see in the mid-day sun but we were pleasantly surprised. We visually identified a total of 29 species but we heard many sounds that we are not familiar with. We are hoping to take some birding-by-ear classes in the near future, but until then they will remain unidentified. Take care and good birding!!

Juvenile Scrub-Jay

Least Sandpiper

Cedar Waxwing

Lesser Yellowlegs

Long-Billed Dowitchers

Long-Billed Dowitchers

Nesting Osprey juveniles. We have a picture of this same tree and nest from earlier this year that has a pair of nesting Canada Geese in it!

Belted Kingfisher

A very blurry Green Heron. As soon as I got the camera up and focused for a good shot, the above Kingfisher flew in and scared the Heron away.

A female Wood Duck

This Blue Heron was wading around looking for prey, when it suddenly plopped it's butt down into the water and started swimming like a goose! We had never witnessed this behavior before.

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Anonymous said...

As always, I enjoy seeing your birding photos. I'm hoping to get out on our local nature trail this weekend.

Anonymous said...

I had not looked at your blog until today. (noticed it in OBOL Aug 30, 2008 - during discussion of unknown bird in your yard).

I enjoyed the picture of the female wood duck further down on your blog. I just identified a female wood duck for the first time this Spring. She had only one young one with her and she looked very frantic and startled. A lot of her neck and head feathers were standing out. Once I could ID them I saw that all the other wood duck familes had 5 to 8 young. I suppose she had lost most of her young to bullfrogs, non-native snapping turtles I am told we have around here (Eugene) and who knows what-all.

It took me three days and about five books to finally find a picture that confirmed she was a female wood duck. That's because of the way her feathers were all so ruffled that day and her neck was outstretched. My feathers would be ruffled too if someone had eaten all but one of my young!

But my first thought when I saw the wild-eyed white markings around her eye, was that someone needs to talk to that young lady about using too much eyeliner!
