Michelle and I went to New York for 3 days last week. We were pretty busy but we did get to spend about 9 hours birding in Central Park. It was incredible! If you have never birded Central Park before, you should definitely plan to do so. We saw dozen of species and about half a dozen Life List birds! We also were lucky enough to see Pale Male (the Red-Tailed Hawk) and then Zelda (the wild Turkey) in Battery Park.
Here are just some of the photos we took in no particular order. Let us know if you enjoy these! Have a great day and good birding!
A Blue Jay (a life lister for us).
Another Blue Jay posing for us! The fall colors were incredible.
A Common Yellowthroat in the middle of NYC. This photo was actually taken on our way to Central Park. This little bird was in a small shrubby area in a huge plaza.
Another Common Yellowthroat in Central Park. They were everywhere!
A beautiful male Cardinal! Another lifer for us!
Another female Cardinal that let us get pretty close.
An Eastern Phoebe, yet another life lister!
A Golden-Crowned Kinglet grabbing some lunch.
A Hermit Thrush. These guys were everywhere, too.
And here he is...Pale Male! If you haven't heard about this most famous of Hawks, you should definitely read about him. It's a wonderful story!
A Peregrine Falcon flying over us while we were walking down 5th Ave. We saw a few Peregrines during our trip.
A Red-Breasted Nuthatch trying to find a place to hide his pine nut.
This is a terrible photo, but it's the only one we got of a juvenile Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker! A life lister for sure! This is the only one we saw during our excursion.
A row of House Sparrows on a fence in the park. We have never seen so many House Sparrows as we did in NYC.
A Red-Tailed Hawk sitting right above a woman who did not know it was there.
Here he is in another tree. We guess when a bird lives in NYC it gets pretty used to people everywhere.
Another Golden-Crowned Kinglet eating some berries.
A Ruby-Crowned Kinglet showing his beautiful plumage.
Another Ruby-Crowned Kinglet in Central Park.

I found myself saying "oh Wow!" so many times as I looked through your photos. It looks like you had really nice weather and saw an amazing variety of birds! Thank you for posting the photos. ~Elizabeth
we lived in pittsburgh for 3 years and I loved seeing the cardinals.in our backyard. Idaho where we moved from didn't have them. your pictures are great. nyc is fun isn't it.
I would love to bird central park. Havent been there for 25 years. Nice blog post.
Your photography is great!
Come check out World Bird Wednesday, a place for bird photographers to share their blogs. It going on at http://pineriverreview.blogspot.com/
Your Invited!
Of all the birds that are regulars in the east, the cardinal is the one I most wish we had here in the Pacific Northwest.
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