Here are some recent photos from our BirdCam. We hope everyone had a great start to their New Year and we hope you enjoy the pics! We set the camera up on the ground in the very back part of the yard, by a bramble pile we have set up for the birds.
A White-Crowned Sparrow
Red-Shafted Northern Flicker
A Dark-Eyed Junco
Steller's Jay
A Yellow-Rumped Warbler
A Golden-Crowned Sparrow
A Song Sparrow
What're you lookin' at??

Very cool ..that backyard birdcam takes decent pictures!
Must be fun to see who is enjoying your feeders while you are away!
I am intrigued by a bird cam. What fun it must be to use one. Lovely Flicker and Jay? photos.
Love those bird cam pics - keep 'em comin'!
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