Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Pics from the yard!

Here are a few pics from the yard. We have been busy with our other blog lately and I am really trying to get here and post on a regular basis. We hope you enjoy them and we wish everyone a great Wednesday!

The Yellow-Rumped Warblers are very thick in the yard. Sometimes up to 6 of them at a time.

The Winter Wrens will be departing soon. They are one of the hardest little birds to photograph (photograph well, I should say).

We had 5 Steller's in the yard the other day, too. That's the most we've ever seen at one time.

Look how dark this Junco is. He was pure black. Very cool looking.

Obviously, not from the yard. This was taken at Laurelhurst Park. It's a Hooded Merganser.

I think we have an entire family of Golden-Crowned Sparrows living in our brush pile in the back of the yard.

A Female Northern Flicker

Big flocks of Bushtits have been coming in the yard a lot lately.

Black-Capped Chickadees are always a welcome guest.

More American Goldfinches have been in the yard than any other time this winter.

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1 comment:

Owlman said...

WOw, that Steller's Jay is incredible. We get Blue Jays around these parts and I would love to see a Steller's. Neat shots!