It has been getting busier and busier in the yard lately! We have been going through a lot of seed in the last couple of weeks. But, that's a good thing!
Here are some of the photos we have taken this week. We hope you enjoy them all. Good birding to everyone!
The Rufous Hummingbirds are in all day now. We see both the male and female frequently. The one below is the male.
Here is the female Rufous. Such gorgeous little birds!
The Townsend's Warblers are still hanging around, too. We are hoping that they stick around for a while longer.
Here is a Yellow-Rumped Warbler that is getting his breeding colors. All of the Yellow-Rumped that we see now are fluffy and full of color!
One of our resident Song Sparrows. We have a feeling that she has built a nest on the side of our home. We scan the yard daily for juvenile Song Sparrows.
A rare (for us) Band-Tailed Pigeon decided to drop by for a while. We always enjoy their visits.
A male Lesser Goldfinch looking just about as pretty as can be!
A Downy Woodpecker checking out some home-made suet.
The American Goldfinches are really starting to show their breeding colors now! The bird beside him is a Lesser Goldfinch (female) and below him is a Pine Siskin.

It looks like the townsend's have gone from our yard.
The goldfinches are certailnly getting their color back!
Oh you are so lucky to get those beautiful Townsends at your feeder!
and the cool.
Similar activity to what we saw in our backyard this weekend (outer NE Pdx)! We just put up a new hummingbird feeder and were ecstatic to have immediate visits by a pair of Rufous hummingbirds - a first for us.
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