2 Evening Grosbeaks just came into the yard!! This is quite a bit earlier than the last few years. We took a bunch of pictures, but we have an appointment to go to, so here are a couple of the pics and we will post more soon!!
Here is the male Evening Grosbeak...
...and here is the female on the same apple tree branch!

Admirable composition on these Grosbeak photos!
*I Donated to Cornell Ornithology!*
Wow, they are very beautiful. I've never seen one in person. Several years ago we had Rose-breasted Grosbeaks come through and stay in our yard for a couple of weeks, but we haven't seen them since
I know you watch your bird feeders. This morning, January 28,, 2012, I was looking out at the bare trees in the canyon behind the house and saw about a dozen birds that didn't look familiar at all. I tentatively identified them, and then a short time later they came right up to the feeder right outside the window where I was able to catch a few pictures. I attached one picture of them. They are called Evening Grosbeaks. It's been years since we've seen anything new at the feeder. Neat huh?
Oops, 1st post, I missed adding the URL.
I know you watch your bird feeders. This morning, January 28,, 2012, I was looking out at the bare trees in the canyon behind the house and saw about a dozen birds that didn't look familiar at all. I tentatively identified them, and then a short time later they came right up to the feeder right outside the window where I was able to catch a few pictures. I attached one picture of them. They are called Evening Grosbeaks. It's been years since we've seen anything new at the feeder. Neat huh?
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