Here we are, only 3 days removed from the last snow, and it's almost all gone already. Incredible! It's a balmy 44 degrees and there are only a few spots in the yard with snow on them.
We have been running the Bird Cam quite a bit these last few days. Here's a few photos and some tips that we have already learned.
This shot is of a bunch of Lesser Goldfinches underneath out bathroom window. It turned out good but it was a little too far away.
A Scrub-Jay and a Squirrel. Again, a good shot but I think the camera needs to be closer for great shots.
If you ever wanted to see Starling tongue, this is the way to do it.
Starlings and a White-Crowned Sparrow. The Starlings were all over the seed we were tossing out for the ground feeders during the storm.
We have never seen the Starlings eat seed before. They always go for bugs or the suet. I guess all the snow had them eating whatever they could get.
Here's what not to do. Make sure that when you go to retrieve your camera from where you had it stationed, that you turn it OFF first. Otherwise, you get a bunch of photos of you bringing the Cam inside.
During the height of the storm Michelle and I got bundled up and took our sled to the only store that was open around us. Unfortunately, it was Fred Meyer. We don't like to buy seed from the big box stores but our local bird shop was closed due to weather and we were completely out of seed.
From our regular digital camera. A Yellow-Rumped Warbler grabbing some suet.
Another of the Yellow-Rumped. We have been getting at least 3 on a daily basis.
A Townsend's Warbler trying it's best to get some frozen suet.
A Towhee, a Golden-Crowned Sparrow and a couple of Juncos.
A brave Song Sparrow. They usually do not come onto the porch when we are there, but the snow had the little guy acting a little differently.

Great Bird Cam shots! Isn't it fun to play with?
I love the food in the sled. One gallon of milk for you and the rest is bird food.
Love the pics as always!
Love the shots you're getting with that Bird Cam (and the regular camera, too). I didn't notice the gallon of milk in the sled until Di brought it up. That's funny.
To have warblers in the winter - seems unfathomable to me. We so rarely get warblers at our feeders in the spring/summer, despite living in the woods. I'm very much enjoying yours.
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